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Blackmore's Night

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  1. Blackmore's Night - 2019-07-05 - Creuzburg, Germany, Burg Creuzburg (Nature's Lights Shine In Creuzburg) (44.1/16) (7 Replies)
  2. Blackmore's Night - 2019-07-05 - Creuzburg, Germany, Burg Creuzburg (Durch Den Wald Zum Creuzburg) (FLAC 48/16) (2 Replies)
  3. Blackmore's Night - 2012-08-03 - Berlin, Germany - A Travel Through Time...and Germany Vol. 6 of 9 (12 Replies)
  4. Blackmore's Night - 2010-09-26 - Duisburg, Germany (REUP BY REQUEST) (3 Replies)
  5. Blackmore's Night - 2010-09-26 - Duisburg , Theater am Marientor, Germany (Krinase - FLAC) (26 Replies)
  6. Blackmore's Night - 2000-05-24 - Cambridge, UK (FLAC) (4 Replies)
  7. Blackmore's Night - 1999-07-03 - Vigevano, Italy (FLAC/AUD) (2 Replies)
  8. Blackmore's Night - 2003-09-19 - Long Island, NY (FLAC/AUD) (3 Replies)
  9. Blackmore's Night - 1997-12-17 - Berlin, Germany (FLAC/AUD) (0 Replies)
  10. Blackmore's Night - 2019-07-03 - Dresden, Germany, Kulturpalast (FLAC/AUD) (Nature's Lights Shine In Dresden) (44.1/16 version) (2 Replies)
  11. Blackmore's Night - 2019-07-03 - Dresden, Germany, Kulturpalast (FLAC/AUD) (Shades Of Moonlight) (44.1/16 version) (4 Replies)
  12. Blackmore's Night - 2019-06-26 - Admiralspalast, Berlin, Germany (FLAC/AUD) (REMASTER) (16Bit/44Khz) (3 Replies)
  13. Blackmore's Night - 2019-07-03 - Dresden, Germany, Kulturpalast (FLAC/AUD) (Nature's Lights Shine In Dresden) (48/16 version) (4 Replies)
  14. Blackmore's Night - 2019-07-03 - Dresden, Germany, Kulturpalast (FLAC/AUD) (Shades Of Moonlight) (48/16 version) (9 Replies)
  15. Blackmore's Night - 2019-06-29 - Magdeburg, Germany (FLAC/AUD) (LOSSY) (Gurgen93 Remaster) (2 Replies)
  16. Blackmore's Night - 2019-07-06 - Burg Abenberg, Abenberg, Germany (Stefan (ACE of SPADES) .m2ts File (4 Replies)
  17. Blackmore's Night - 2019-06-28 - Merseburg, Germany (FLAC/AUD) (LOSSY) (Gurgen93 Remaster) (2 Replies)
  18. Blackmore's Night - 2019-06-29 - Magdeburg, Germany (MP3) (4 Replies)
  19. Blackmore's Night - 2019-06-28 - Merseburg, Germany (MP3) (3 Replies)
  20. Blackmore's Night - 2004-06-17 - Ukraina National Palace, Kiev, Ukraine (audience DVD partly synched with G Music bootleg sound) (4 Replies)
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